Softball Star Ariana Adams Tells All: From Hair Care to Sports to Her All-Star Mom
In celebration of National Daughter’s Day, we talked with softball star Ariana Adams and her Mom to see what makes them tick.
The bond between a mother and daughter is like none other on the planet. To honor this connection, we sat down with softball superstar, Ariana Adams, and her Mom, Sandi, for National Daughter’s Day. Read on to hear them dish about their similarities, differences, and how they inspire each other.

- AURA: Hey, ladies! How would you describe your mother/daughter bond?
Ariana & Sandi: We are very close! We love and respect each other and share all our secrets! We are able to bond over many of the same hobbies.
Ariana: My mom has always been my biggest supporter in my academic and athletic pursuits and I would not be the successful athlete I am today without her. I wouldn’t trade our special bond for anything! We are a team!
- AURA: So Sandi, did you play softball growing up? How did Ariana get into sports?
Sandi: Yes, I played softball starting at a young age. I mostly played with my local league and high school team, nothing as impressive as what Ariana has achieved. But, I do take some credit for her pitching as I was also a pitcher. Ariana got into sports in the first grade and softball quickly became her greatest passion. We have been able to bond over our shared love for softball throughout her life.
- AURA: How are guys similar when it comes to your hobbies?
Ariana & Sandi: We pretty much enjoy all of the same hobbies, softball, traveling, shopping, and swimming. We just got back from a trip to Costa Rica and had so much fun seeing waterfalls and hanging out on the beach. We are both pretty extroverted and enjoy meeting and talking to new people and experiencing new things!
- AURA: What are some of your differences?
Ariana: We differ in some artistic ways, where I am very talented in many areas, my mom is not as creative as I am. I’m going to get my Master’s in Art Therapy from Syracuse as I continue to play softball, so I love expressing myself through art and hope to share that with others someday. But, my mom is much more business-driven, as she worked in a more corporate field.
- AURA: What inspires both of you to embrace your individuality?
Ariana & Sandi: We both really enjoy getting our hair styled and colored. Our hair is how we both express our vibrant personalities.
Ariana Sandi
- AURA: Who are some of your favorite sports icons and how do they influence you?
Ariana: The athlete that I have always looked up to and has influenced my drive and work ethic has been Amanda Scharborough. Starting at a young age around sixth grade I began taking pitching lessons with the former Texas A&M pitcher. My mom would take me to every lesson each week.
Sandi: We both looked up to Amanda’s confidence in her abilities not only physically, but mentally.
- AURA: Do the two of you have any special mom and daughter traditions?
Ariana: Some traditions we have are most prevalent around the holidays that include baking and cooking food. The same recipes we use were passed down from my grandmother and great-grandmother.
- AURA: Ariana, how would you describe your hair, what you love about it, and what you’d like to change (if anything)?
Ariana: I love the curly texture and fullness of my hair, if I could change anything it would be that I wish my hair grew faster.
- AURA: And Sandi, same question.
Sandi: I would have to say that I love the easy maintenance of my hair, but I would probably change the thinness of my hair.
- AURA: Ariana, what is the best hair or beauty advice your Mom has ever given you? And Sandi, has Ariana given you any beauty advice?
Ariana: To always use conditioner and leave-in conditioner to help my hair stay healthy.
Sandi: Yes, she’s very much into healthy beauty products and has introduced me to some great brands that are eco-friendly and cruelty-free, like AURA.

11. AURA: If you were on a deserted island and could only choose one hair or beauty product for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Ariana & Sandi: We would both have to choose a Conditioner because it protects our hair from the harmful sun rays that would put stress on our hair.
12. AURA: How has your hair changed over the years and is it part of your persona?
Ariana: My hair has changed color over the course of the past five years. I have slowly added blond highlights to the point where now I am pretty much bleach blonde. But I would say my hair now 100% reflects my personality because, like my hair, I am a light for others, I am bold, confident, and silly.
13. AURA: How do you use your AURA Ritual? Which aroma did you choose, and did you pick a temporary pigment?
Ariana: I use the Blonde Neutralizing Hair Masque once a week and I Shampoo and Condition every other day. I chose the Sparkling Essence aroma and it is so fun.
14. AURA: At AURA we believe that hair is powerful and personalized beauty can lead you toward endless possibilities. What makes you believe in endless possibilities?
Ariana: I think striving to be better than you were the day before sets you up for continued growth. And this process of gradual strength leads to an outcome of endless success.
What a sweet conversation between two inspiring women! If you want to stay up to date with all things Ariana, make sure to follow her on Instagram @ariiiadams. And stay tuned for more AURA interviews as we catch up with some of your fave artists, creators, and more.